Since See You at the Pole™ is all about students praying, start praying for your students now! Pray for:

  • your students and their friends to take part in See You at the Pole™
  • the other students in your community (or church) to take part in See You at the Pole™
  • your youth pastor/leader in your church as he/she motivates and guides students for See You at the Pole™
  • your students' parents to be supportive of their involvement in See You at the Pole™
  • the non-Christian students that could be reached through See You at the Pole™
  • the Christian students in your community to strengthen their unity on campus all year long


See You at the Pole™ is a student-led event. Strong student leadership is crucial. Adult volunteers and parents should not lead the See You at the Pole™ gathering. Many well-meaning adults take over and take away from the students by trying to lead out in the prayers at the flagpole. This is not the intention for See You at the Pole™, nor is it legal for adults to lead. Please step back or stay away and let the students grow and learn in their faith by leading.

The best place for an adult to pray on the day of See You at the Pole™ is not on campus with the students but at alternate locations such as your church, home, courthouse flagpole, office building flagpole, or military base flagpole.

It is important for students to know they are supported by adults from their churches, communities, and schools. Only upon an invitation from a student leader can an adult serve on campus by assisting with any needs they have prior to or after See You at the Pole™, or possibly recording video or taking pictures during See You at the Pole™.


Campus Clubs

Consider encouraging your students to start a Christian Club or other student-led group at their school. Christian Clubs can be recognized formally on campuses where “non-curricular” clubs are allowed (i.e., the school has a “limited open forum” policy). Wherever there is a “closed forum” policy, they can only meet unofficially. Get more info as well as campus club resources.Regardless of what action students may take after See You at the Pole™, encourage and challenge them to make a personal commitment with other students to pray regularly.


Visit National Network of Youth Ministries for current information on how to begin an ongoing network of youth workers. Or call them at (858) 451-1111 between 8:30a and 5p (Pacific), Monday through Friday.

Provide Resources

No one can encourage students to take part in See You at the Pole™ like you—their youth pastor! The more you support and encourage students to be at their flagpole and pray, the greater participation from students, and the more prayers for the school(s) and community will be offered up to God.

Encourage your students to promote See You at the Pole™ by inviting their friends. The strongest form of promotion is a personal invitation. Encourage students to invite their friends to pre-pole and post-pole events, as well as to remind them to be there the morning of See You at the Pole™. Get free publicity and clip-art for creating your own materials or excellent resources at reasonable prices. Use these banners on your youth ministry's web site, Facebook, etc.

See You at the Pole™ promotional videos are an excellent resource to use at rallies, Bible studies, worship services, or other student gatherings. The videos are professionally produced, motivating, and have a lot of options for different settings.

The See You at the Pole™ Bulletin Insert/Flyer is a great way to get the word out to your entire church.

Encourage your students to wear their See You at the Pole™ t-shirts on a specified day during the week of See You at the Pole™ and on the day of SYATP.

You may purchase See You at the Pole™ resources, such as brochures, posters, banners, wristbands, and more at reasonable prices. Visit our Online Store or call 817.HIS.PLAN between 9a and 5p (Central), Monday through Friday.

Pray for Schools Sunday

This generation of students is boldly proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ on their campuses, perhaps as in no other time in history. They need to see publicly that Christian adults in their community stand beside them. The Sunday before See You at the Pole™ (Campus Sunday) is an excellent time for churches to show their support for the event. Furthermore, it is a great opportunity for congregations to join together in prayer for their local campuses, educators, and students.

Churches who wish to use the Sunday before as a special emphasis on See You at the Pole™ may consider the following ideas:

Use videos in the service to express the passion and emotion of students involved in ministry on their campus.

Invite students, youth leaders, teachers, or coaches to give real-life examples of the issues teenagers face without Christ. Let these people also share their impact as a Christian example on the school campus.

Ask students to share testimonies about what God is doing at their school.

Include a time of commissioning where students in the service stand or come to the front and ask a church leader to voice a prayer of dedication, spiritual protection, and intercession over the students.

Use a church bulletin insert to explain and promote See You at the Pole™.

Visit the Pray for Schools site for ideas to use at your church.

Students' Rights

According to Supreme Court precedent and their constitutional rights, students already have permission to have See You at the Pole™ because it is student-led, before school hours, and outside of any school building. It does not cost the district anything financially for students to meet and pray, so they aren’t “establishing religion with tax money.” Read the United States Department of Education's statement on "Religious Expression in Public Schools."

If opposed by the school administration, students should:

Know their rights. Students who take leadership should be willing to back up their beliefs, if necessary, by studying the materials available. Visit the Alliance Defending Freedom web site for more info regarding students’ legal rights.

Plan their response. If ordered by a school official to disperse during See You at the Pole™, students should respectfully leave the school grounds and pray off campus. The goal of See You at the Pole™ is to pray to God, not fight with man. They can make an appointment with the official later to discuss the situation.

Use their available resources. Expert legal counsel is available from several groups offering free assistance to individuals in religious-liberty cases. Timely intervention has resolved almost every situation with little difficulty!

Remember—above all, your students are representing Christ.

For more legal help, contact:

Advocates for Faith and Freedom or call (888) 588-6888

Alliance Defending Freedom or call (800) 835-5233

American Center for Law and Justiceor call (757) 226-2489

Christian Legal Society or call (703) 642-1070

Liberty Institute or call (972) 941-4444

National Legal Foundation or call (757) 463-6133

Rutherford Instituteor call (804) 978-3888

Pacific Justice Institute or call (916) 857-6900

United States Justice Foundation or call (760) 741-8086

Adult Participation

Legal counsel for See You at the Pole™ has indicated that it is legal for any adults, including school employees, to participate in this before-school event. However, no adult is to lead out in praying. Please leave the leadership to the students.Read more about adult participation in See You at the Pole™.